Would you consider partnering with us?

Thanks to generous supporters, for every dollar of new donations we receive (above and beyond our regular support), it will be matched dollar for dollar up to $50,000 for a total of $100,000 in new funds! These funds will be used to further the ministry in campus facility upgrades, equipment upgrades, recruitment, programming, and other needs.

Why might you want to partner with us?

Our world needs Jesus, and we believe that we have a part to play in that. Grounded in the Word, empowered by the Spirit, discipled in community, and called to make disciples of all the nations, our students receive solid biblical training, extensive hands-on ministry opportunities, precious times of encountering the presence of God, and character development in strong mentorship relationships with our staff.

How Can You Partner?

Ideas for how to partner with us in this campaign:

  • Send a special one-time donation.
  • Become a new regular supporter.
  • If you are a church, consider taking up a special offering.
  • Invite others to support Clearwater.

Ways to Donate:

  • Send an e-Transfer to: payment@clearwater college.com
  • Online by credit card at www.clearwatercollege.com/donate
  • In person (cheque, cash, credit card, debit)
  • Over the phone (credit card)
  • Automatic Withdrawal: contact us (credit card, EFT)
  • By cheque in Canada Mail and make payable to:

Clearwater College

Box 100

Caroline, AB


  • By cheque in the US Mail and make payable to:

Clearwater College U.S.

1831 N. Tuscolano Place

Eagle, ID



  1. We’ve paid off over $300,000 of debt during the last three years.
  2. We’ve seen attendance at our Youth Encounters increase to 300 and saw incredible responses to the salvation call and the call for everyone to go “All In” at our most recent retreat in April.
  3. Our own summer camps have had many new campers with many experiencing unbelievable encounters with the Lord these last two years. Our most recent FCA Family Camp had about 300 people!
  4. Our summer rental schedule is packed with numerous churches hosting their camps here on campus.
  5. We celebrated our 50th anniversary of God’s faithfulness a couple of years ago with about 300 people in attendance.
  6. Our ministry tours have had amazing impact (salvations, healings, encouragement, teaching, etc.) and have established beautiful partnerships. We spend several weeks each year ministering on the road. Many churches have asked us to return and are eager to partner with us to provide a variety of practical ministry training opportunities for our students who all participate on these tours.
  7. Our church connections have continued to multiply.
  8. We’ve seen students encounter the life-transforming and empowering work of the Holy Spirit numerous times during chapels, prayer times, ministry assignments, classes, and more.
  9. Our campus is booming with life! In 2020, there were no children living on campus. Now there are 40 children living here with their families.
  10. We’ve been able to move forward with some much-needed facility upgrades including a total renovation of the gym bathrooms and entrance, advancing the building of a log cabin for guest teachers, and several extensive renovations in campus housing.
  11. We are currently on track to have our largest Fall enrollment in several years, with more applications coming. While it’s not yet where we want to see it long-term, we are moving in the right direction!